On the evening of the 24th November, the police engaged in a pursuit with a yellow vehicle in Ganton. This vehicle failed to stop for officers when they attempted to perform a traffic stop.
The vehicle took a chase from Ganton to the Idlewood Gas Station, where they took two women as hostage. They kept the women at gunpoint, while making demands to the SWAT team outside, requesting a bearcat for their escape.
The two males who fled in the vehicle, held the women at gunpoint in the middle of the shop, while officers attempted to negotiate with the pair. However, the individuals were aggressive, making strong demands to the officers, threatening the lives of the hostages.
The main demand was a bearcat. This is an armored police vehicle, typically used by the SWAT Division. With this vehicle, the idea is that it protects you from gunshots. However, as Officer Bishop quickly discovered following his demands, it’s not just the vehicle that matters.
Holding The Aces
The individuals inside the gas station were in a strong position, due to them having two hostages at gunpoint. However, the police worked to keep the hostages safe, by delivering to their commands. The bearcat was quickly provided for the pair, following a 30 second timer before on the hostages faced serious injury, or death.
We observed Sergeant Whitelock from the LSPD along with his team, control the area, working towards the safety of the hostages.
The clock kept ticking, while the officers waited for the pair to emerge from the shop to enter the bearcat.
The plan from the officers was simple. To allow the males to enter the bearcat, then engage in pursuit to arrest the pair. This method ensures that the hostages remain safe, and allows them to apprehend the suspects elsewhere.
However, things didn’t go as planned. The males took the hostages into the bearcat, further using them as pieces in this apparent game. Without the hostages, they knew that their time was numbered. The risk of death for the hostages continued.
Short Pursuit
Once the males had access to the bearcat, they drove from Idlewood Gas Station to the Pacific Coast Highway. Officers from the scene followed closely behind and followed the Bearcat to the sea, just off the highway.
The males drove the bearcat into the water at speed. We observed officers shooting towards the water, attempting to neutralize the threat.
The marine unit from the Los Santos Police Department was deployed to search the area. We witnessed them searching the location of the vehicle in the water, while ground units checked any potential routes of escape from the focus point.
Remaining Underwater
While on the scene of the bearcat in the sea, we witnessed officers issuing commands through a megaphone. People were still in the bearcat while it was under the water and with oxygen running out, they had nowhere to turn.
The marine unit paired with SWAT officers watched over the bearcat, waiting for signs of movement.
LSFD Support Arrives
While the marine unit watched over the vehicle, the Los Santos Fire Department arrived on the scene to offer assistance. An ambulance arrived along with a fire engine, equipped with Scuba Gear. This allowed the team to check over the bearcat in the water.
However, as the team went to check the vehicle, a male along with the a hostage emerged from the vehicle. The male started to swim quickly away from the officers, in an attempt to flee. However, the team was quick off the mark and managed to neutralize the suspect without issue.
Another male had also arrived on the scene, with a vehicle. We believe to be used for an escape, however both males were quickly shot down following a gunfight between the pair and officers.
We watched as the paramedics from the Los Santos Fire Department worked to assess and deal with the injuries. One of the team rushed for an AED, or Automated External Defib.
One of the males had clear gunshot wounds to his chest and head.
Hostages Safe And Well
While the outcome could’ve been very different, both hostages remain safe and well following the incident. We received confirmation from Sergeant Parker that both hostages remain safe and well, and both males were shot down.
The team from the Los Santos Fire Department worked to treat both the suspects and the officers. However, with the visible wounds to the males, it appeared that they were down for the count.
Sergeant Parker, Los Santos Police Department
On the scene, we spoke to Sergeant Parker from the LSPD. He said;
“From what I could track is that our officers attempted to initiate a traffic shop on a yellow car, and when it took off, the two suspects lead them to Idlewood gas.
In there, they took the clerk hostage, and demanded escape by bearcat. We did not want to risk the suspect befalling any harm, so we gave into their demands.
They however, did not get very far as you can see, as we were prepared to deal with them on our terms, and not theirs.
And to the criminals. We can bleed, we can be injured, but we’ve got a whole lot more spirit to fight with than they can ever fathom. We will face them head on, every day, every hour. Vigilant, and ready to deal whatever they have ready for us. Coming heavy or not, we will stand by our citizens.”
Fantastic Work From The LSPD & LSFD
While the incident was worrying for all, we do have to comment on the fantastic work of both the Los Santos Police Department, and the Los Santos Fire Department.
Some notices of commendation include;
- Sergeant Parker
- Sergeant Whitelock
- Officer Snow
- Brian Allen (FD)
Along with their teams. Without them, the hostages may not be here today. We have written to the relevant department following their great work.