Following the recent incident with the vehicle accident, an armed male has robbed medication from a Local Hospital.
On the evening of the 24th November, an armed male went into the All Saints General Hospital, in a attempt to rob drugs. He used his firearm to threaten medics and staff, into taking exactly what he wanted.
He then fleed from the hospital in a 1992 Ford Taurus Wagon in blue. Officers gave chase to the vehicle, initiating a pursuit from the hospital, through Idlewood, Ganton and Willowfield.
The pursuit came to a stop on Congress Street, where police had the vehicle surrounded at gunpoint. From the reports, the male had a firearm on his person, along with a large number of drugs.
However, the driver didn’t stop for long. He sped off from Congress Street, taking officers on a long chase before they lost visual of the driver.
Several Chases Later…
The driver took the police on several chases through Los Santos. Losing the police each time, until the chase came to a stop on the Interstate 125. The vehicle become stationary following a lengthy pursuit, with the driver refusing to get out of his vehicle.
The police also dispatched a helicopter to assist with the pursuit, providing visuals from above. Battling with the increasing snowfall.
Officers held the male at gunpoint, commanding him to drop his weapon. However, the male continued trying to start his car, when the vehicle started. He sped down the interstate in reverse, before turning around and starting another pursuit.
Every available officer in the county was dispatched to assist with the male. However, he continued to take the chase.
Chase Finally Ends At Home
The chase finally concluded at a residential property on Grove Street. The male left his vehicle and ran into a house, with several police cars and a police helicopter watching.
Officers from the LSPD quickly geared up, ready to force entry into the property. We witnessed Sergeant Parker scan the perimeter while the other officers covered the front. At this point, the male was armed, dangerous and in pocession of a lot of drugs.
The police helicopter continued to cover the property from above, providing full coverage to prevent the male absconding.
Officers managed to gain entry into the property and stormed inside as a group. Each armed with a large firearm.
Sergeant Noble confirmed that officers had secured the male inside the property. Officer Marzo also confirmed that the male had been detained and had dropped his firearm without issue. No shots were fired. Great result for the LSPD.
Fear In Our Medics
Due to the vehicle accident in our previous article, several medics from the Los Santos Fire Department were in the hospital with a patient. The male held the medics at gunpoint, making a range of threats in order to get the drugs he has after.
A witness on the scene referred to the male as a “junkie”. Other witnesses recalled the scene, saying that the male had the medics and hospital staff at gunpoint, making dangerous threats.
Some of the hospital staff were forced to lock themselves in offices in order to remain safe.
Serious Crime, More Often
It seems that Serious Crime is becoming more common on our streets. Robbery from a hospital with a firearm is serious crime, especially with staff involved.
Our medics and hospital staff work day and night, keeping people healthy and well. However, we still have the wrong people, abusing our systems.
We have written to the mayor to request more security at the hospital, as a matter of priority.