On the evening of the 22nd November, the Los Santos Police Department engaged in a pursuit with a motorcycle in Idlewood. The motorcycle in question had a BOLO following a 911 call from a concerned neighbour, who saw the male trying to enter a property.
The LSPD, equipped with two motorcycle units gave chase to the bike through the city, passing Verona Beach, Santa Marina Beach and Rodeo. The chase was high speed, and dangerous.
The bike in question was a Buell Hammerhead, which is known for being able to carry speed through the city, without issue.
The rider had a strong riding ability. However, it wasn’t strong enough for the officers on police motorcycles.
Initially, the rider had a small accident in Rodeo. However, it wasn’t severe, and the rider managed to mount his motorcycle to go again.
However, the rider entered the boundary of Red County, where the power of his motorcycle got the better of him. He had a collision at high speed with a static object, which sent the male across the road and into some dirt.
Quickly, the police managed to stop and assist the male. Upon checking the male, he was in a pretty bad way.
Within just a few minutes, an ambulance from the Los Santos Fire Department arrived to attend to the male. With such a collision, severe injuries seemed likely at the time. However, the rider was dressed for the occasion, with a racing suit and full face helmet.
The paramedic attended to the male quite quickly, assessing his injuries and his overall condition. On such a high speed road in Red County, the risk of further accidents was building. The police and ambulance teams worked quickly to resolve the incident and to attend to the male.
Within a few minutes of assessing the male, we overheard the paramedic ask one of the officers to “get a splint from the RA for his leg.” While we don’t have exact confirmations at this time, it would suggest a leg was seriously injured or broken.
Statement From Maria Snow, Police Officer On-Scene
“So we had a 9-1-1 call representing a trespasser in the call. When we arrived to the scene, my sergeant here took the pursuit and I checked the residence complex. It was a duplex with a basement, it was clear. I made sure to clear it first.
Then I assisted in the pursuit. After that, the suspect was fleeing everytime, but we got him this time. Law never sleeps.
What I could note at is he crashed twice where he made us draw our guns twice, where it would’ve made a shootout.
If you noticed, I drew my firearm twice at him, were he chose everytime to go away without stopping the whole evasion.”
We finally asked Officer Snow her opinion on if motorcycles are being used more often for crime. She replied;
“No actually, it happens on rare occasions. Thanks to our department, we have every equipment to handle and guide our community to safety.
Every hour, we make our streets safer and safer.
I had a quote that said from my principal at my college, I’m a Psychology graduate. The quote says, “One represents the team, and the team represents one.”