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Silence From The Mayors Office

In recent months, we have made several attempts to contact the mayors office. We first contacted the mayors office on the 10th October 2024. This was in regards to the Officer Bishop Incident, attacking a young male from Ganton.

We wrote directly to the mayor on the 10th October 2024, asking for her input externally, to prevent corruption playing a part within the Los Santos Police Department.

The mayor wrote back to us, providing some details and also confirming that a meeting between Shaw News and the mayor would be booked within the following few days. This was to discuss this incident along with several others, causing issues on our streets.

However, nothing came of the meeting with the mayor. We didn’t hear anything more about this incident or speaking with the mayor. This resulted in Officer Bishop continuing with his duties until he sexually assaulted a female, of which he offered money for sexual services.

Failure to take action from the mayors office allowed Officer Bishop to continue causing incidents on our streets. However, we also wrote to the mayor on several other occasions too.

We wrote to the mayor on the 15th October 2024, to query the status of the Officer Bishop Investigation. We also had several other stories about Officer Bishop lined up, and wanted to work alongside both the government and the LSPD to ensure action was taken.

The mayors office did provide a response, but still no action, and no meeting.

The mayors office confirmed that the LSPD was investigating the incident. However, still no further information on meeting to discuss this incident along with many others. We also telephoned the mayors office on several occasions to follow up.

The Start Of The Silence

Following the initial incident with Officer Bishop attacking a young male, he sexually assaulted a young female on our streets too. We wrote directly to the mayor for comment and to investigate the incident in detail, failing the action needed in earlier incidents.

The mayors office did offer a reply on this occasion, but this was the final reply we got from the mayors office.

The mayor claimed that the DOJ’s Cicil Rights Division would be investigating the matter and to deliver a result. However, this didn’t bring up any results, and Officer Bishop was killed.

As mentioned, we have also written to the mayors office on other occasions too, following this one.

We wrote to the mayor directly in regards to the Isabella Rossi investigation. We again, requested to meet with the mayor or representative to discuss the issues and to develop a plan to restore public trust. We didn’t get a reply to this letter, at all.

The final letter we have written to the mayors office was on the 30th October 2024. We queried the Los Santos Police Department along with several concerns. We also solidified our position on the matter, but again, got no reply.

The Mayor Has Failed

With the increased silence and lack of involvement from the mayor, the mayor has failed. A young male was attacked on our streets, no involvement. A female was sexually assaulted, no involvement. While this is in the jurisdiction of the Los Santos Police Department, the mayor was requested on multiple occasions.

This is not to be confused with the failings of the Los Santos Police Department though. If the LSPD had stepped up when needed, we would’ve had a resolvement sooner, which would’ve kept the young female safe from sexual assault.

The existing mayor, Victor Chase is not suitable for the position. We require immediate appointment of a more suitable mayor who can make change.

We have written to the relevant people.



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