On the evening of the 12th November 2024, at approximately 11:24, the Los Santos Police Department received a 911 call regarding a Black 2007 Audi being stolen at gunpoint.

The male used his firearm in order to scare the owner into giving up his vehicle. The male took the high-powered Audi Quattro and took off from the scene. Officers quickly found the vehicle after issuing a BOLO and brought it to a stop.
However, the driver didn’t stop for long. Once other units had arrived, the driver took off from the traffic stop, leading officers on a chase around Los Santos. Several units gave chase, following the vehicle in order to detain the driver.
Sergeant Parker was quickly on the case though, as he deployed a spike stop on Pasadena Boulevard. This caused the vehicle to spin out and crash into a wall.
Gunshots Towards Officers

The male quickly left the vehicle, fleeing on foot. With reports of a firearm involved, officers gave chase, following the male into an alleyway, where he climbed on the roof.

From the roof top, the male shot at officers with his firearm. Officers also returned fire, which was a battle for several minutes. Eventually, officers landed a shot to neutralize the suspect. This caused him to cease fire and drop.

Following the shots, the male also fell from the roof onto the road too. This resulted in further injury and an increased risk of death.
The male laid in the road for several minutes, with a dislocated shoulder and several injuries from the use of slugs, long range. The male also had several GSW’s from an Assault Rifle and Shotguns. The fire department responded to the scene.

Overall, a fantastic result for the Los Santos Police Department. They secured the male quite quickly and brought the vehicle to a stop in no time.
Also, a commandment to Sergeant Parker. We saw his quick actions being the vehicle to a stop, putting himself in the line of danger. His quick thinking resulted in the detainment of the suspect. A massive well done.
Officers Also Shot

While the Los Santos Police Department managed to bring the suspect to a stop, not all of the officers on the scene were so lucky.
Officer Swanson was caught in the crossfire, taking a couple of shots from the suspect. While her injuries didn’t seem too severe, she did take a couple of shots from the suspect.
The fight against crime continues. Officers are continuing in their pursuit of criminals, and they are working to bring them to a stop.
The male was transferred to hospital for further treatment.